Deliver content on the principle of sequence (as a serie TV)
A book which filter the water, making it drinkable
One of my attempts. Book helps to think also by its content (here an extract from The Outsider)
Marks found in books in the library
Writing in and about books is part of our habits
My mapping project; a reading journey
James Cuddy's project; people are free to design their pages, the amount of pages made creates a real book in the end
Another James Cuddy's project; people can create a fictional newspaper headline made from existing ones.
A real person is then letterpressing the headlines,
forming a wall of incredible headlines
Inspired by Moyra Davey's work, I realized this piece of work.
This idea to get people involved is to get them personally.
I've used an extract of the book "Interrogative mood" by Padgett Powell.
This book is only composed by questions, all along. Whatever we want it or not, we are answering those questions in our heads.
I want people who receive it, to answer those questions at the back.
But several questions are raising; who could I really send it to?
How can I make them answer? I should set rules, but which ones?
And last one, who should I make them send it back to? Me? An institution? Association? Library? Should I send it to prisoners, people who have time...?